Friday, August 6, 2010

Time For An Update!!

So a lot has happened since the last time I blogged. We ended up getting the keys to our new house 2 days after we signed and I promptly moved deliveries and estimates for work back to original days. Our first delivery was of our appliances, and I was like a little kid on Christmas. We had been waiting since May to finally get them and enjoy them. NO MORE SQUEAKY DRYER!! We then had the couches delivered. We weren't told that one of the end pieces on back order, so we just got that on Tuesday (August 3!). We celebrated Thomas' 4th birthday on the 19th and went to Disneyland to celebrate later in the week. It was such a great break from the heat! While we were gone the painters took over the house and did such a fabulous job. I couldn't be happier. Since the hubby had almost an entire week off, I figured what a better time for us to move! So we moved and are still getting settled into the house, unpacking slowly, but we have made a dent.

We have also currently had a new addition to our family. We have a new puppy in the house and once she finally settled down and started warming up to us it has been mostly joy. We are still working on the potty training. I think once the yard gets completed it will go a lot more smoothly. The name of the new puppy is Penny. She is a Pearl Piebald Rat Terrier. She was the runt of her littler and is a lot smaller than even the breeder expected. They are known as "tiny tots" because once she matures she will be 5 lbs or under. Now before I get harped on about buying a dog rather than adopt one, i'll give you the reason for that choice. After doing a lot of research on dog breeds that are good with other pets and children I came across the rat terrier breed. While doing more research on the breed I learned that they are very hearty dogs, love to please their owners and are easy to train. The only main issue I found with the breed is that they carry a genetic disease call PLL ( Primary Lens Luxation). This can cause the dog severe eye pain, blindness and even possible loss of the eye. A genetic test came out last year and breeders are testing all of their breeding dogs. If the parents both test clear, then their litters will be "clear" by parentage. Both of Penny's parents tested clear so I will not have to worry about this devastating disease. If we were to adopt a rat terrier we ran the risk of the dog possibly having this disease. So that is why we went thru a breeder.

Ok, so we are finally getting the yard started tomorrow. Then I will be calling out a pest company. I saw 2 black widow spiders in the backyard while letting the dogs out and promptly sprayed them with the pest killer I had near by. I hate spiders!!

On other news, they hubby has had to go to Virginia for a TDY (temporary duty assignment) until the end of august. Hopefully by the time he gets home I will have most if not all of the house unpacked and find a place for everything. As well as have the backyard done and enjoying it. It is going to be a busy next few weeks with him gone. Between doctors appointments, working out (2 months till Carolyn's wedding!), getting Thomas fitted for his tux (he's the ring bearer) and finding Abby a stunning dress to match her personality, we will be plenty busy. I am also signing the kids up for pre-school and daycare next week. I got hired on with an immunization clinic for the flu season, giving shots at flu clinics from september thru novemberish.
But I need to get to sleep, the landscapers will be here bright and early and I already have 2 snoring dogs on the bed. Time for me to sleep so I'll have enough energy for the long month ahead.

I hope this finds everyone well. I miss everyone!

Until Next Time...